
Sealants are a preventative procedure that help to reduce the risk of cavities in molars, premolars, or any teeth with deep grooves. The sealant fills in the spaces on the chewing surface of the tooth where decay causing bacteria grow. It is recommended that children and teens get sealants after the emergence of the six-year molars. Adults may also get sealants to prevent decay on teeth with deep grooves as well. The exam checks for abnormalities of the face, neck, lips, tongue, throat, tissues, and gums.

We offer dental sealants services to help reduce cavities in premolars and molars. When teeth have deep grooves, there are chances of bacteria growing in them.

Our specialist may recommend dental sealants for you. It is used to fill the space on the chewing surface. We also recommended this treatment for kids after they grow six-year molars. 

Application of sealants is a pain free procedure. The teeth are cleaned and dried, and the sealant is applied. A sealant can prevent tooth decay for up to 10 years.

Also, if you’ve had sealants for several years, we recommend that you have them checked to see if they need to be replaced.