Dental Implants

Dental implants are a replacement option for missing teeth. Dental implants can replace missing teeth without affecting the teeth on either side of the space like a bridge. Dental implants also open up options for patients who are not candidates for teeth supported bridges or patients with no existing teeth. Dental implants can also be used to stabilize and support existing dentures or completely recreate your natural smile.

We offer dental implant services for people who have lost a tooth or more. A dental implant is a fixture that’s surgically inserted in the jawbone. It is used to mount a bridge and acts like a natural tooth. Implants have a long life, unlike dentures that can become loose.

Implants look and feel like real teeth. Implants also make it easy to speak and eat as the fixture is firmly secured into the jaw.

It takes an implant a few months to fuse with the bone and act as a natural tooth.

Since implants need healthy bones and gums for support, they are not for everyone. 

You will have to book an appointment with our specialist to see if you’re the right candidate for an implant.