
Veneers are thin pieces of tooth shaped porcelain that are custom made and bonded to your existing teeth to improve the look of your smile. Veneers can improve the shape and appearance of one or more teeth and make a uniform beautiful smile possible.

We recommend dental veneers if you have chipped, stained, or gapped teeth, and you want to achieve a beautiful smile. Veneers are wafer-thin shells that are permanently applied to the front of the teeth.

Veneers are tooth colored and can hide your real teeth behind a thin layer, hiding any stains, chipping, or other issues.

But since veneers are permanent, you need to discuss with Dr. Rahm if they are suited for you. There are a number of materials for veneers such as porcelain and resin. We prefer porcelain because they closely mimic the shade and look of natural teeth.

Veneers are an aesthetic procedure and can make your smile more perfect. At Moscow Dental Center, you can get the perfect veneers that enhance your looks.