Inlays & Onlays

Inlays and onlays are a type of filing used in cases where a normal composite filling cannot restore the tooth. Inlays ad onlays are a partial crown that allows the filling to be precise and restore the tooth to its original shape.

We provide dental inlays and overlays if our patient needs them. Dental inlays and overlays are used to repair teeth that may be mildly decayed or cracked. In more severe cases, we may recommend a crown.

They can be made from a range of materials including porcelain, composite, and gold. Dental Inlays cover the middle part of the tooth whereas overlays cover a large portion of the biting surface.

Both procedures help in keeping the original tooth shape. These are custom made and thus fit better than restorations.

Since they retain the natural enamel, inlays and overlays keep the soft tissue healthy and prevent repeated decay, thus increasing the longevity of teeth.